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随着大数据挖掘和现代大量文本分析的出现和普及,自动化文本摘要在从文档中提取和检索重要信息而变得突出。这项研究从单个和多个文档的角度研究了自动文本摘要的各个方面。摘要是将庞大的文本文章凝结成简短的摘要版本的任务。为了摘要目的,该文本的大小减小,但保留了关键的重要信息并保留原始文档的含义。这项研究介绍了潜在的Dirichlet分配(LDA)方法,用于从具有与基因和疾病有关的主题进行摘要的医学科学期刊文章进行主题建模。在这项研究中,基于Pyldavis Web的交互式可视化工具用于可视化所选主题。可视化提供了主要主题的总体视图,同时允许并将深度含义归因于流行率单个主题。这项研究提出了一种新颖的方法来汇总单个文档和多个文档。结果表明,使用提取性摘要技术在处理后的文档中考虑其主题患病率的概率,纯粹是通过考虑其术语来排名的。 Pyldavis可视化描述了探索主题与拟合LDA模型的术语的灵活性。主题建模结果显示了主题1和2中的流行率。该关联表明,本研究中的主题1和2中的术语之间存在相似性。使用潜在语义分析(LSA)和面向召回的研究测量LDA和提取性摘要方法的功效,以评估模型的可靠性和有效性。
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我们正在使用使用Kinect V2传感器收集的美国手语(ASL)的数据集,该数据集包含包含Fluent和非浮力签名者的视频。该数据集是作为一个项目的一部分收集的,该项目旨在开发和评估计算机视觉算法,以支持新技术以自动检测ASL流利度属性。总共要求45名流利和非全体参与者执行与介绍性或中级ASL课程中使用的作业相似的签名作业作业。注释数据以确定签名的几个方面,包括语法特征和非手动标记。手语识别目前非常数据驱动,该数据集可以支持识别技术的设计,尤其是可以使ASL学习者受益的技术。对于想要对比流利和非流利签名的ASL教育研究人员来说,该数据集也可能很有趣。
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细胞因子释放综合征(CRS),也称为细胞因子风暴,是嵌合抗原受体疗法的最大程度不良反应之一,在癌症治疗中表现出了有希望的结果。当出现时,可以通过分析特异性细胞因子和趋化因子谱的分析来识别CR,这些因子和趋化因子谱倾向于在患者之间表现出相似性。在本文中,我们使用机器学习算法利用了这些相似性,并着手开拓元观看知识的方法,以基于特定的细胞因子峰浓度和先前临床研究的证据来识别CRS。我们认为,这样的方法可以通过将临床医生与过去临床研究的CR知识相匹配,以分析可疑的细胞因子谱,以Swift CRS诊断的最终目的。在使用Real-World CRS临床数据评估期间,我们强调了我们提出的产生可解释结果方法的潜力,除了有效地识别细胞因子风暴的发作。
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在现实世界数据集中,结果标记歧义和主观性是无处不在的。尽管从业者通常以临时方式将所有数据点(实例)的模棱两可的结果标签结合在一起,以提高多级分类的准确性,但缺乏通过任何最佳标准来指导所有数据点标签组合的原则方法。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了信息理论分类准确性(ITCA),该标准可以在预测准确性(预测标签与实际标签一致)和分类分辨率(可预测的标签)(可预测的标签)之间进行平衡,这是平衡的。指导从业者如何结合模棱两可的结果标签。为了找到ITCA指示的最佳标签组合,我们提出了两种搜索策略:贪婪的搜索和广度优先搜索。值得注意的是,ITCA和两种搜索策略适应所有机器学习分类算法。再加上分类算法和搜索策略,ITCA有两个用途:提高预测准确性并识别模棱两可的标签。我们首先通过两种搜索策略来找到合成和真实数据的正确标签组合,首先验证ITCA是否可以实现高精度。然后,我们证明了ITCA在各种应用中的有效性,包括医学预后,癌症存活预测,用户人口统计预测和细胞类型分类。我们还通过研究Oracle和线性判别分析分类算法来提供对ITCA的理论见解。 Python软件包ITCA(可在https://github.com/jsb-ucla/itca上找到)ITCA和搜索策略。
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Influenced mixed moving average fields are a versatile modeling class for spatio-temporal data. However, their predictive distribution is not generally accessible. Under this modeling assumption, we define a novel theory-guided machine learning approach that employs a generalized Bayesian algorithm to make predictions. We employ a Lipschitz predictor, for example, a linear model or a feed-forward neural network, and determine a randomized estimator by minimizing a novel PAC Bayesian bound for data serially correlated along a spatial and temporal dimension. Performing causal future predictions is a highlight of our methodology as its potential application to data with short and long-range dependence. We conclude by showing the performance of the learning methodology in an example with linear predictors and simulated spatio-temporal data from an STOU process.
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Machine Translation (MT) system generally aims at automatic representation of source language into target language retaining the originality of context using various Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Among various NLP methods, Statistical Machine Translation(SMT). SMT uses probabilistic and statistical techniques to analyze information and conversion. This paper canvasses about the development of bilingual SMT models for translating English to fifteen low-resource Indian Languages (ILs) and vice versa. At the outset, all 15 languages are briefed with a short description related to our experimental need. Further, a detailed analysis of Samanantar and OPUS dataset for model building, along with standard benchmark dataset (Flores-200) for fine-tuning and testing, is done as a part of our experiment. Different preprocessing approaches are proposed in this paper to handle the noise of the dataset. To create the system, MOSES open-source SMT toolkit is explored. Distance reordering is utilized with the aim to understand the rules of grammar and context-dependent adjustments through a phrase reordering categorization framework. In our experiment, the quality of the translation is evaluated using standard metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, and RIBES
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The rapid development of technology has brought unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to become widely known in the current era. The market of UAVs is also predicted to continue growing with related technologies in the future. UAVs have been used in various sectors, including livestock, forestry, and agriculture. In agricultural applications, UAVs are highly capable of increasing the productivity of the farm and reducing farmers' workload. This paper discusses the application of UAVs in agriculture, particularly in spraying and crop monitoring. This study examines the urgency of UAV implementation in the agriculture sector. A short history of UAVs is provided in this paper to portray the development of UAVs from time to time. The classification of UAVs is also discussed to differentiate various types of UAVs. The application of UAVs in spraying and crop monitoring is based on the previous studies that have been done by many scientific groups and researchers who are working closely to propose solutions for agriculture-related issues. Furthermore, the limitations of UAV applications are also identified. The challenges in implementing agricultural UAVs in Indonesia are also presented.
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Learning to predict masked tokens in a sequence has been shown to be a powerful pretraining objective for large-scale language models. After training, such masked language models can provide distributions of tokens conditioned on bidirectional context. In this short draft, we show that such bidirectional conditionals often demonstrate considerable inconsistencies, i.e., they can not be derived from a coherent joint distribution when considered together. We empirically quantify such inconsistencies in the simple scenario of bigrams for two common styles of masked language models: T5-style and BERT-style. For example, we show that T5 models often confuse its own preference regarding two similar bigrams. Such inconsistencies may represent a theoretical pitfall for the research work on sampling sequences based on the bidirectional conditionals learned by BERT-style MLMs. This phenomenon also means that T5-style MLMs capable of infilling will generate discrepant results depending on how much masking is given, which may represent a particular trust issue.
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Speech-driven 3D facial animation has been widely explored, with applications in gaming, character animation, virtual reality, and telepresence systems. State-of-the-art methods deform the face topology of the target actor to sync the input audio without considering the identity-specific speaking style and facial idiosyncrasies of the target actor, thus, resulting in unrealistic and inaccurate lip movements. To address this, we present Imitator, a speech-driven facial expression synthesis method, which learns identity-specific details from a short input video and produces novel facial expressions matching the identity-specific speaking style and facial idiosyncrasies of the target actor. Specifically, we train a style-agnostic transformer on a large facial expression dataset which we use as a prior for audio-driven facial expressions. Based on this prior, we optimize for identity-specific speaking style based on a short reference video. To train the prior, we introduce a novel loss function based on detected bilabial consonants to ensure plausible lip closures and consequently improve the realism of the generated expressions. Through detailed experiments and a user study, we show that our approach produces temporally coherent facial expressions from input audio while preserving the speaking style of the target actors.
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